The Building Blocks of Well-Being

Health outcomes are influenced by much more than just health care.

Collectively, community partners and government, are working together to help improve the factors that contribute to a person’s overall quality of life.  We share the view that a person’s health is not a standalone issue but is interconnected with a range of social, economic, and environmental factors – the social determinants of health.

The provincial approach to well-being includes addressing:

  1. Society
  2. Health
  3. Environment
  4. Justice
  5. Education
  6. Housing
  7. Income & Employment

Each of the items above represents a major contributor to well-being and contains indicators that will help us track progress towards improving the well-being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

A Well-Being Framework that includes multiple building blocks provides a tool to assess an individual’s quality of life. It recognizes that health is not solely determined by the absence of disease, but is influenced by various factors, including the social determinants of health.

Why is a Framework important?

Well-being encompasses physical, mental, environmental, financial, and social well-being. By including areas like health, income, and society, the provincial approach acknowledges that health is not just about medical care but includes social and economic factors.

The framework encourages a preventive, inclusive approach to health. It recognizes that factors like housing, education, and environment play a significant role in preventing health issues before they arise.